Weird Formula Help

I have the following columns in my sheet:

  • Is This An Object? (a drop down "Yes" or "No" column)
  • Object #
  • Box #
  • Folder #
  • HW ID

I need a formula for the HW ID column that mirrors the "Object #" IF the "Is This An Object?" cell is "Yes".

However, IF the "Is This An Object?" cell is "No", then I want the HW ID column to display "Box #" PLUS "Folder #".



Best Answers

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Something like this:

    =IF([Is This An Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, [Box #]@row + "" + [Folder #]@row)

    Can add a space or a dash if needed between the quotes or take that out depending on needs.

  • Danielle Arteaga
    Danielle Arteaga ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Assuming your sheet set up looks something like this:

    Put this formula in your HW ID column:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, JOIN([Box #]@row:[Folder #]@row))

    Note that this works only if [Box #] and [Folder #] are adjacent columns. If they are not, then you'd need a slightly different syntax:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, ([Box #]@row + [Folder #]@row))

    If you want a delimiter between [Box #] and [Folder #], you can do it like this:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, ([Box #]@row + "-" + [Folder #]@row))

    So your results look like this:


  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Something like this:

    =IF([Is This An Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, [Box #]@row + "" + [Folder #]@row)

    Can add a space or a dash if needed between the quotes or take that out depending on needs.

  • Danielle Arteaga
    Danielle Arteaga ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Assuming your sheet set up looks something like this:

    Put this formula in your HW ID column:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, JOIN([Box #]@row:[Folder #]@row))

    Note that this works only if [Box #] and [Folder #] are adjacent columns. If they are not, then you'd need a slightly different syntax:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, ([Box #]@row + [Folder #]@row))

    If you want a delimiter between [Box #] and [Folder #], you can do it like this:

    =IF([Is this an Object]@row = "Yes", [Object #]@row, ([Box #]@row + "-" + [Folder #]@row))

    So your results look like this:

  • Nicole J
    Nicole J ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Nic and Danielle. Both of your responses were correct, helpful, and appreciated. Problem solved.

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