Is it possible to conditionally format the colors on a bar chart?

I am tracking service level across clients. In the reports I get the formulas and conditional format to work but I can't get it to translate into my charts. Is it possible?

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sort of. Lets just say you want red, yellow, and green. You would need to structure your metrics sheet in a specific way and then use a stacked bar chart.

    Basically you would have (for 3 colors) 5 columns in your metrics sheet. One would be for your labels, and another would be for your counts.

    Then you would need a column for each color and use IF statements in each to say if the "actual count" column is within a certain range then output the "actual count" column (otherwise leave blank).

    Then you would use stacked bars to chart the labels and these three helper columns.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sort of. Lets just say you want red, yellow, and green. You would need to structure your metrics sheet in a specific way and then use a stacked bar chart.

    Basically you would have (for 3 colors) 5 columns in your metrics sheet. One would be for your labels, and another would be for your counts.

    Then you would need a column for each color and use IF statements in each to say if the "actual count" column is within a certain range then output the "actual count" column (otherwise leave blank).

    Then you would use stacked bars to chart the labels and these three helper columns.

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