What formula will return the text in the field that is not blank?

The Primary Program field should contain the text from either Primary Program-A field (which is a column formula) or Primary Program-B field (which is also a column formula).

I've tried nested IF statements. IF([Primary Program-A]@row, "", [Primary Program-B]@row) works but when switched, IF([Primary Program-B]@row, "", [Primary Program-A]@row) does not work.

Thanks for any help!



Best Answer

  • Jon Mark H
    Jon Mark H ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey Lori!


    =IF([Primary Program-A]@row<> "", [Primary Program-A]@row, [Primary Program-B]@row)

    Checks to see if column A is blank, if it's NOT blank, it takes the data in column A.

    If it IS blank, it pulls the data from column B

    Let me know if that works for you, or if you need any further assistance!



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