Need help with a cross-sheet reference formula.

Jason_AZ86Biz ✭✭
edited 11/02/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to create a cross-sheet formula so I can count the number of projects for a specific PM where the show start data is in the month of January and year is 2024. The source sheet contains show start dates that are in 2025 so I want to be able to avoid counting them by mistake. I'm basically trying to count the number of projects for each month for each project manager on a summary sheet. It is stumping Smartsheet's AI so I'm hoping a human pro can help me out. Thank you, community!

Best Answer

  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    =countifs({show start date},>DATE(2023, 12, 31),{Show start date},<DATE(2024, 2, 1),{PM},[PM]@row)

    You will need to create your references on the source sheet and then alter the formula for each month/year column with the appropriate dates for greater than or less than.


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