My Date Helper Row is Showing the Wrong Centure 1923 Instead of 2023

Hi All,

I created a sheet where my users will select from a dropdown of available dates. This column is set to Drop-Down so they only can select the dates I offer. (Column Name = Selected Date)

I have a helper column that is set to "Date" and has a formula to turn the text data into a Smartsheet date. (Column Name = Date Helper).

I have used the following formula for the "Date Helper" column:

=DATE((VALUE(RIGHT([Selected Date]@row, 2))), (VALUE(LEFT([Selected Date]@row, 2))), (VALUE(MID([Selected Date]@row, 4, 2))))

It's bringing back the correct month & day, but it's bringing back year values from the 1900s and not the current 2000s.

Example: I select "09/18/2023" from the drop-down in the "Selected Date" column. The formula in the "Date Helper" column coverts it to 09/18/1923.

Is there a way to get the formula to show the proper year?

Thanks! - Cathy


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