Updating Project Stage Advancement formula

Jenni N
Jenni N ✭✭
edited 09/25/23 in Formulas and Functions

We have a current formula for Project Stage Advancement, that updates the Project Stage field when all tasks under in the section have been marked 100% and a task in the next section has been marked In Progress.

=IFERROR(INDEX([Task Name]:[Task Name], MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Start Date]:[Start Date], Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Complete"), Hierarchy:Hierarchy, =2)), [Stage Helper]:[Stage Helper], 0)), "")

We would like to update our process and formula from checking if every task is complete in the stage to check if the [Advancement Task] column =1 and if that task is 100% complete. The [Advancement Task]=1 and being 100% complete would start the next Project Stage.

Current Process:

I've tried to update the formula, but all of my attempts have lead to Invalid Argument or Unparsable results. Any help with a new formula would be apprecitated.


Best Answer

  • Hamza1
    Hamza1 Moderator
    edited 10/03/23 Answer ✓

    Hi @Jenni N,

    To update your process and formula from checking if every task is complete in the stage to checking if the [Advancement Task] column =1 and if that task is 100% complete you can try the following: 

    • You’d want to add a helper criteria into your Advancement Task formula that looks to see if the current row is a Level 2 hierarchy (Grey)
    • If it is, then check to see if the Advancement Task with a 1 is at 100%.
    • If it is, return the text “Advancement Complete”
    • Then in your original formula you can add [Advancement Task]:[Advancement Task], "Advancement Complete" as a criteria.

     The formula would be as follows:

    =IFERROR(INDEX([Task Name]:[Task Name], MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Start date]:[Start date], Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Complete"), Hierarchy:Hierarchy, =2, [Advancement Task]:[Advancement Task], "Advancement Complete")), [Stage Helper]:[Stage Helper], 0)), "")

     See the following screenshots of the formula for reference:





  • Hamza1
    Hamza1 Moderator
    edited 10/03/23 Answer ✓

    Hi @Jenni N,

    To update your process and formula from checking if every task is complete in the stage to checking if the [Advancement Task] column =1 and if that task is 100% complete you can try the following: 

    • You’d want to add a helper criteria into your Advancement Task formula that looks to see if the current row is a Level 2 hierarchy (Grey)
    • If it is, then check to see if the Advancement Task with a 1 is at 100%.
    • If it is, return the text “Advancement Complete”
    • Then in your original formula you can add [Advancement Task]:[Advancement Task], "Advancement Complete" as a criteria.

     The formula would be as follows:

    =IFERROR(INDEX([Task Name]:[Task Name], MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Start date]:[Start date], Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Complete"), Hierarchy:Hierarchy, =2, [Advancement Task]:[Advancement Task], "Advancement Complete")), [Stage Helper]:[Stage Helper], 0)), "")

     See the following screenshots of the formula for reference:




  • Jenni N
    Jenni N ✭✭

    @Hamza1, thank you so much for taking the time to not only respond to my request but also with screenshots. I appreciate your help.

    This has me so close to the outcome I am looking for. I need to project stage to advance to the next Hierarchy 2 when the next checked task is greater than 0% (the status is "In Progress"). i I updated the Advancement task formula to take that into consideration, but Project Stage won't update.

    For example, the project stage is reporting as:

    However, I would expect it to be reporting 07- Design Development because the first task in that section is In Progress.

  • Jenni N
    Jenni N ✭✭

    I figured it out, changing the checked task under 07-Design Development to just 1% wasn't a high enough percentage to get the hierarchy 2 row to change to "In Progress". Once I changed the checked task to 10% the Project Stage updated to 07-Design Development as expected.

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