How do I add different timezones to the calendar app?


I've set up a calendar so that people in our organisation can see upcoming courses and classes for the next month. However we are a global firm and at the moment people can only see the courses and classes in ET. I'd like for them to see a few timezones. Is this possible?


  • Hi @RhiannaHead

    Are you able to post screen captures of your current sheet set up and Calendar set up, but blocking out sensitive data? I'd like to know how you're currently displaying Time - is this a Text/Number column?

    There's a new TIME Function that you could potentially use to display multiple times for the same task.



  • Thanks Genevieve - I've left a snapshot of both above :)

  • Hey @RhiannaHead

    Thank you for this information! It looks like your "Time" column is a Text/Number column that you're using to display data in your Calendar App.

    Since Smartsheet does not have a Time type of column, this data will not automatically adjust to different timezones based on who's looking at it. You would need to either set up multiple columns (one for each Text/Number timezone you want to display) or use a formula to display all timezones in one cell and surface that in your Calendar as the "time". Does that make sense?

    Let me know if you need help using the TIME function to create timezone conversions!



  • Hello,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I've tried setting up multiple times columns as you mentioned, but when I go to add the extra time column to the calendar it doesn't allow for that many columns to be referenced? Hope I'm making sense, I've attached some pictures. It's picking up that I changed one column to 'ET time' but it's not picking up BST.



  • Hi @RhiannaHead

    There are 15 columns listed under the title "Additional Columns" where you can add in Time columns, then check the box that says "Display" to show it on the card:



  • Hi Genevieve,

    Yes I tried this originally, but when I try to add 'Time GMT' column as an additional column, it doesn't appear in the dropdown. Only 'Time' appears, as one option. I changed the original time column name to 'Time ET' so we would have two timezones.

    As in column 3 when i press the dropdown, 'time' is greyed out as its already in use and no other time column appears.

    I hope I'm making sense!



  • Hey @RhiannaHead

    Is it possible that the Calendar is looking at a different sheet than what you updated? If you change a column name or add a new column, the dropdowns in the Calendar App (once refreshed) should reflect the new name.

  • Hello! I just had to be patient and wait for it to load, its working now - thank you!

    One more thing - is it possible to make a URL in a calendar clickable? For example, this registration link - it would be amazing if we could hyperlink this in the actual square rather than having to click on the square then scroll down in the box on the right that appears and then copy that link into a new search bar (see below)

    Thank you!!!

  • Hey @RhiannaHead

    I'm so glad to hear it's working now! 🙂

    In regards to the registration link, I've seen URLs work if they're set as the Task Details in tab 3 (Map Columns).

    Let me know if this works!



  • Hello,

    That worked and it looks great, thanks so much!

    We're looking to publish this calendar on our intranet, but it seems that the calendar feeding into the intranet is from our ex-colleagues account. Is there a way of deleting that calendar so there is only one calendar getting information from the sheet we're using?

    Also - I think this is true, but if we publish the calendar in the right way and use the right link, it is possible for anyone in the business to view the calendar and click on the links embedded but not edit - is that correct? For example, we want to share the link in our email signatures so people can click it and see our upcoming trainings and register for them really easily.

    Thank you again for your help!!


  • Hey @RhiannaHead

    I'm glad to hear it! 🙂

    If someone has access to their Smartsheet account and can sign in, you can Transfer Ownership of a Calendar (see here).

    In regards to publishing the Calendar, yes! You can do that from the Sharing window (see here). You're correct that this would give users View Only permissions to see your Calendar but not make edits.



  • Hi Genevieve,

    I think this should be the last question I have before we launch the calendar - fingers crossed! In the calendar design settings it says the calendar opens on todays date, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As a result, the calendar looks empty when someone first opens it as our first webinars don't start until mid-October. Is there a way of having the calendar set so it does open on todays date?



  • Hey @RhiannaHead

    It's great to hear that you're ready to go! 🙂

    In regards to opening to Today's Date, as long as that's selected within the Calendar Settings that should happen, even with a Published link. I've tested on my own Calendar and it opens to today's week, as expected.

    If your settings are correct & saved, but you're still not seeing it open properly, I would suggest reaching out to Smartsheet Support with a screen recording of all your settings and the unexpected behaviour.