Unexpected movement of rows - older post recommendations not working

I read an older post from someone else on this issue, but despite our best efforts, rows jumble unexpectedly and its such a significant problem we might not be able to continue with smartsheets. Here's what happens - we have a shared sheet showing our project schedule. Each project has a line and there are dependencies set between projects so that one follows another.. Several people use the schedule. We know to save when the save box comes up - but we are still experiencing major row jumble where many many rows suddenly rearrange themselves. We also know to try to only have one user at a time in the sheet, but given several locations this is very difficult. To be clear - this is not the case of two people editing the same cell as each user is working on a diferent set of projects. Could someone help me with this bug?



  • Hi @Ellen Moore

    If your collaborators are working on different rows and are not moving the location of the rows, the rows should stay in the same order.

    Is there any possibility someone may be using a Sort on your sheet instead of a Filter? One person Sorting a sheet will mix up the rows for everyone else looking at it. If you're on a Business or Enterprise plan and you're the Owner or Admin on the sheet, you can check the Activity Log to do some digging into what may be happening.

    If you know that Sorting is not what's happening, please reach out to Smartsheet Support with the sheet URL and the timestamp of when this jumble last occurred for you. They'll be able to help troubleshoot this in a private channel where you can share more sensitive information.



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