View activity log for templates


I am an editor for a template that has been shared with a group of users with editor access. How can I view activity of the template use/download/view? Can it be done at Workspace level or template level and how?

Thank you


  • Hey @Naina Dave

    There currently isn't an Activity Log associated with a Template type of Smartsheet item.

    The only way I can personally think of to track template downloads is to leverage the Smartsheet API:

    • You could do a GET /sheets and include source which tells you the ID of the source object
    • The source would show the template ID for a sheet that was created from a template.
    • You could then tally those up and compare with the particular templates you want to approximate usage data from.

    There are two things that limit this data: the API will only bring back sheets that you have access to (so created sheets from this template that you're not shared to won't be included). Secondly, this won't tell you if a template was used and then the sheet was deleted.

    Please do feel free to submit your feature request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community!



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  • Naina Dave
    Naina Dave ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Genevieve. I will try the API solution. Is it possible to get an activity log for a Workspace? This template is housed in a Workspace as the only item in that Workspace. So, hoping that would work. I will also log the idea.

  • Hi @Naina Dave

    No, there currently isn't a direct activity log for a Workspace. The API will have some information depending on what you're looking for.

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