Color code drop-down lists in calendar view


Hi all,

I am new to Smartsheet and I hope you can help me with a question.

This is my current sheet set up to keep track of the events organised by my team organised by country. Each country is a Parent row and child rows are the events' names. I would like to format it in such a way that if the parent row is color coded yellow, the child rows automatically become yellow and on calendar view the name of the event is displayed, ex. Skate event 1 from date x to x. I tried with simple formatting but it doesn't work, is there a formula for this?

Thank you very much in advance,



  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Francescanina The best thing I can think of is to create a helper column that a conditional format will use to evaluate the row. I would put it to the left and call it Parent Helper and the formula would be =PARENT([Event Name]@row)

    Then, in your conditional format, you will evaluate the Parent Helper column with the Parents and give each one a different Task color. This will make it so your calendar has the color, but it isn't visible on the sheet (Too much color is hard to read)

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