Not counting based on multiple factors


I'm building a formula that uses the contents in a cell to effect a percentage. Basically:

=(count all cells within a range with the word "PASS")

(divide this number by)

(All the cells within same range that are NOT blank )

The piece of the formula that looks at the row and avoids blank cells looks like this:

(COUNTIF(cellname1@row:cellname2@row, (NOT(ISBLANK), @cell)))

When I execute this formula, it still manages to count those blank cells. What am I missing?


Best Answers

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/12/23 Answer ✓

    Hi @jblunda

    COUNTM will count the number of elements in non blank cells or range



    Hope this helps!

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    See if this works with the additional parameter (change "Column1" to your column name)

    =COUNTIF([Column1]:[Column1], "PASS") / COUNTIFS([Column1]:[Column1], <>"", [Column1]:[Column1], <>"N/A")

    If the range is 2 columns next to each other:

    =COUNTIF([Column1]:[Column2], "PASS") / COUNTIFS([Column1]:[Column2], <>"", [Column1]:[Column2], <>"NA")

    This is looking at the entire column, if you need to look at a specific range of rows, add the row numbers like this: [Column1]1:[Column1]7


  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/12/23 Answer ✓

    Hi @jblunda

    COUNTM will count the number of elements in non blank cells or range



    Hope this helps!

  • jblunda
    jblunda ✭✭✭✭

    I apologize, but I neglected to add a condition to my question 🤦‍♂️

    =(count all cells within a range with the word "PASS")

    (divide this number by)

    (All the cells within same range that are NOT blank AND don't contain the word "N/A")

    I tried to accomplish this with the following:

    =SUM(COUNTM(cellname1@row:cellname2@row,CONTAINS("PASS", @cell)))/(COUNTIF(cellname1@row:cellname2@row, CONTAINS("PASS", "FAIL", @cell)))

    I get an "Incorrect" error.

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    See if this works with the additional parameter (change "Column1" to your column name)

    =COUNTIF([Column1]:[Column1], "PASS") / COUNTIFS([Column1]:[Column1], <>"", [Column1]:[Column1], <>"N/A")

    If the range is 2 columns next to each other:

    =COUNTIF([Column1]:[Column2], "PASS") / COUNTIFS([Column1]:[Column2], <>"", [Column1]:[Column2], <>"NA")

    This is looking at the entire column, if you need to look at a specific range of rows, add the row numbers like this: [Column1]1:[Column1]7

  • jblunda
    jblunda ✭✭✭✭

    It works! Thank you very much, and thank you for teaching me something new!

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