Trying to create a formula that determines the current season

Matthew L
Matthew L ✭✭✭✭
edited 10/16/23 in Formulas and Functions

I've got a formula that generates the current quarter and one that calculates the current year. Now I'm trying to write an IF statement that creates a value that says S23 by reading if its Q1 or Q2 and then adding the 23 from the current year (2023). This is my current formula, can anyone explain why it's not working or what I need to change?

=IF(OR([Current Quarter]="Q1",[Current Quarter]="Q2"),"S"+([Current Year]-2000),"F"+([Current Year]-2000))

I haven't used the OR function much so wonder if perhaps that's what's throwing the error.

Best Answer

  • Matthew L
    Matthew L ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out, I was just missing @row on all my column values. Here's the working formula if anyone needs.

    =IF(OR([Current Quarter]@row = "Q1", [Current Quarter]@row = "Q2"), "S" + RIGHT([Current Year]@row, 2), "F" + RIGHT([Current Year]@row, 2))


  • Matthew L
    Matthew L ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out, I was just missing @row on all my column values. Here's the working formula if anyone needs.

    =IF(OR([Current Quarter]@row = "Q1", [Current Quarter]@row = "Q2"), "S" + RIGHT([Current Year]@row, 2), "F" + RIGHT([Current Year]@row, 2))

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