Calculating Number of Tasks above 50%


I am trying to calculate the number of tasks I have in a sheet, which are currently sitting above 50%... this is for dashboard purposes so we can see how many tasks are in the final-closing out stages etc.

My formula is not returning any count whether I try it in sheet summary or a separate sheet.... any clues?

Result in Sheet Summary:

Formula in Sheet Summary:

Result in separate sheet:

Formulas in separate sheet:

Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @GWOOD02,

    Try setting the criteria to 0.5 instead of 50 as you have the column set to % - right now the formula may be looking for greater than 5000% which obviously won't be found if you're using 0-100%.

    Let us know if this works or if another solution is required.


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