What does it look like to operate at your peak? 💭 Join the conversation



  • Jessica Schuler

    Operating at my peak is finding harmony with my abilities, aspirations, and well-being. I feel most fulfilled when I'm taking care of myself physically and mentally, leaving space for creativity and mistakes, and have aligned my work with my innate strengths and a deeper purpose.

  • HID_Funari
    HID_Funari ✭✭✭

    To operate at my peak, I plan breaks, especially when I'm diving into a heavy task. I chunk the big task into smaller pieces, giving a mini cheer as I tick off each part. I have a daily reminder on my calendar to "get moving" and make sure I get up from my desk during that time. I always have some PTO, usually involving travel, on my calendar to keep me planning toward a full recharge.

  • Trish Dillon
    Trish Dillon ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Peak performance for me includes automating mundane and repetitive tasks and teaching others how to create automation. I can then focus on the more challenging and critical decisions that my brain needs room for.

  • svenu
    svenu ✭✭✭✭

    I am at my peak potential when I am optimizing and automating processes. I do this best when there is no noise around me and I can completely focus on the problem statement and design cool solutions.

    To recharge, I talk to my plants lol :)


    Sowmya Venugopal

    CI Analyst II, Niagara Bottling

  • StephanieStepney
    StephanieStepney ✭✭✭✭✭

    When I am operating at my peak, everything is flowing just right! People are kind and you start to notice the things that really matter in life. When I'm operating at my peak I am most thankful because there is nothing to stress about.

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee Admin

    I operate at my peak when I've given myself the time to reflect on my needs in different areas of life, and to fulfill those needs, as much as possible. What do I need to do my job well, to complete a project, to have enough energy through the day, to feel connect, etc. As many of you have mentioned, balance is key.

    After taking care of those needs, I collaborate with, and learn from awesome people, keep on cultivating my skills, and challenge myself. There are so many options that help me do even better, as long as I'm also being mindful of my time and capacity. Always working on finding that balance!

  • Sing C
    Sing C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I operate at my peak when helping and supporting others and solving business problems, in an environment that enables me to operate at my natural best.

    For me, this is characterised by:

    1. Feeling empowered to fail and learn quickly in a psychologically safe environment.
    2. Supported by a routine (be it daily or weekly) that provide the structure within which the opportunities, the agility, the chaos can be allowed to manifest.
    3. Taking the time to be grateful and show appreciation and gratitude for the things that are there, that have been accomplished, and embracing the future possibilities.

    The counter-balance is happiness on the personal front - something that requires the same intention and commitment to service as the work side. It's a constant work in progress or as one of my favourite authors, Simon Sinek, calls it, an infinite game.

    Sing Chen

    Process Architect, Ceridian


  • SteyJ
    SteyJ ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I operate at peak levels early in the morning. Throughout the day, I take time to digest everything that has happened and research new things, then at night I brainstorm ideas to simplify and improve current processes with what I've digested.

    When I wake up in the morning, my brain is ready to start implementing what I've brainstormed the day prior. This process has worked out fantastic for me. 👍️


    Jacob Stey

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    For me working at the peak is having the proper balance of life and work + working on sth that I actually love.

  • Adriane Price
    Adriane Price ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I am at my peak when I have my basic needs but also when I am at an optimal level of stress, it allows me to hone in my Smartsheet-senses (kinda like spidey senses).


  • Darla Brown
    Darla Brown Overachievers

    One thing I've learned this year is that I operate at my peak when I am healthy, rested, and clear-headed. I'm sure not to be the only one who allows myself to be consumed with projects, deadlines, and stress. Even when projects are Smartsheet-driven, it's easy to get stuck behind a screen.

    So, I try to do the following:

    1. Eat clean. No processed foods, sugar, or fried foods. (I do allow a treat every now and again)
    2. Sleep!! It is vital.
    3. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water.
    4. Get outside and enjoy a long walk or hike. Mostly without earbuds to just listen to silence or nature.
    5. Take vacations. Even better if the vacation requires you to shut off electronics.
    6. Sing and dance. (@Alison Clancy am I right?)
    7. Laugh - it is the best medicine if you can't sing and dance!
    8. Read. For fun and education. And a real book once in a while, not just Audible or Kindle.
    9. Spend time with those I love.
    10. Most importantly of all, give myself grace.

    Darla Brown

    What you meditate on, you empower!

    Overachiever - Core Product Certified - Mobilizer - EAP

  • Chemi Pérez

    I'm at my peak when I feel I'm helping other people. I love when people tell me their needs. I like to dive in their heads, understand what they need, and translate it into smartsheet language. Create the archicheture of sheets, informs and dashboards, the alerts and automations, and feel their satisfaction.

    Their happyness is what make me big.

  • RWofford

    I love this question. I attempt to answer this question daily in every area of my life. My perspective of "peak" performance means being effective and efficient within every arena (resource, process, procedure, method, protocol, contingency, and cycle) in all areas of my life.

  • Ric T
    Ric T ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    looks like this - 😎