This setting "Open to today's date" should be global, so it is working for all persons who view the dashboard. If this setting is set, I see the Gantt in the dashboard on the actual date. If it is not set, I see the Gantt in the dashboard on the first date ever in the Gantt.
As a Project department with many sub-departments, not everybody should be admins in the sheets or workspaces for that matter, but the "open view in Todays Date" is a functionallity that everybody, no matter permisson level, benefits of.
So is it possible to make an enhancement where no matter permission level you are allow to have the option of Todays date in Gantt View, it would save both time and frustation with scrolling back and forward and not being able as a editor to find the date of today.
This option should not be restricted to Administrators, but should be able to be chosen for all users, or at least Editors.
I would like to see this option on Gantt's in Dashboards as well.
As a sheet admin I recently changed the Gantt view to default to current date and updated the default Gantt view headers. However, these changes are not visible to other sheet users. For a project that started in 2019, having the Gantt view default to the project beginning is not useful. This is particularly problematic for users who do not have a license and cannot change their individual Gantt settings. Similar to how other changes made by a sheet admin are available to all users, please make Gantt view settings also available to users.
Totally agree. Alternatively, Admin should be able to choose "Change Admin's Gantt view only" or "Change all users' Gantt view" option.
If these settings are only going to apply to the viewer who sets them, having this restricted to Admin permissions is not a good idea. It means either Gantt Timescale Settings don't exist for Editors and Viewers or we have to give Admin Permissions to many more people than need it.
I suspect that the Project Settings are restricted to the Admin level because of the Dependency Settings in the same menu. If that's the case, the Gantt Timeline Settings should be moved to a different menu so that they can be accessed freely. I know we can use reports to bypass this limitation, but our Editors work in the sheets and often need to make row changes you can't do from a report.
Either make the settings apply globally when set by an Admin or make the Gantt Timescale Settings accessible down to the viewer level. I'd prefer the latter.
I will also comment that having the gantt open to today's date is a MUST for all viewers, editors, ETC. Can we make this happen?
I agree 100% with the previous observations. Gantt view should open to today's date, for everyone. If some users don't want that, give them a way to opt out. Pleeeeeeeese. ;)
If the sheet Owner or Admin decides to enable the Open to Today's Date in the Gantt View options this should pertain to all sheet users. Currently, the only sheet users this option works for is the Owner and Admin.