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Problems with Cell Linking working on some cells but not others

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I help develop Smartsheet sheets and reports, and link cells from project plan sheets to an overview portfolio sheet.  Recently I've seen where some cells link properly, but some cells don't.  I've tried removing the links and re-linking, but to no avail.  Guidance is appreciated.


  • Hi,

    Can you elaborate on what you're seeing specifically to indicate that they aren't working? Do you receive an error? Does the link not update on the destination sheet? Do links disappear?

    Also, what specific cells are you trying to link? (Date cells, Text/Number cells, etc.)

  • I too am having the same problem.  Tried unlinking and linking again but to no avail.  Some links are red and some blue.  Tried refreshing both the source sheet and the end sheet.  Even some links that are blue are not showing the correct linked data.  The cells are text/number type at both ends.  The red cells show:  "Error: this link is not allowed because the linked cell in on a sheet that has been unshared".  These sheets are all in the same workspace and I am the owner. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Contact support@smartsheet.com

    Provide them with the Edit By Anyone publish link to save time.


  • Was there ever an official fix for this? I am having the same issue right now. 

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