Summary Sheet Report Grouping Displaying Blank After Update

tylersmiles ✭✭
edited 12/05/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I have created a Summary Sheet Report that groups by contact name taking content from the summary sheet portion within individual sheets

It displays perfect, but every time a user goes in and updates their individual sheet, this sheet summary report displays their grouping as blank:

I am then able to fix it or have them fix it by going into the individual sheet, changing the portion in sheet summary back to blank> saving it, then changing it back to their name and resaving. This then updates my report (example below):

In this image, you will see that I did have the contact initially selected however on the sheet summary report, it was still displaying as blank

I then changed it to blank, saved it.

I then changed it back to the specialist name and saved it:

My report now displays him properly:

If he makes any update on his sheet, it will go back to blank on the report and the above workaround will have to be done in order for the report to display correctly. Is there a fix for this so the above workaround does not have to be performed?


  • JagodaS
    JagodaS ✭✭

    Hi Tyler,

    were you able to resolve this issue? I'm facing very similar problem where Summary Sheet report randomly stops to read Team on some of the source sheets. Team is the column by which sheets are being grouped so it matches your story. Now I assume it also happens after source sheet is updated but I'm sure in my sheets it's not Team that is updated but different columns. Yet it still seems to influence the report.

    So far I was able to find the same workaround as you but I'm looking for permanent solution to this.


  • Hi Jagoda,

    I have not been able to find a resolution or answer. I do have the same problem as you though, where if any update is made the columns on the sheet, the grouping report displays blank and the above workaround needs to still be performed.

    Still looking for a permanent resolution.

  • I am having the same problem. On my report the sheet name had been appearing correctly, went and made a change to the column and now the sheet says Blank instead of the sheet name. Is there anyway to fix this so it reads correctly?

  • Hi Chiofalo,

    I am only able to fix it or have them fix it by going into the individual sheet, changing the portion in sheet summary back to blank> saving it, then changing it back to their name and resaving. This then updates my report

  • Thanks - I know we don't have the same need/info in our columns, but I was able to fix mine by clicking off both aspects in the Properties Column. It then showed up, maybe this ill help you.