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Copy Paste Reminders

Matt Cochran
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi,  I have a set of reminders in a row based on the assigned to and dates columns within the row. is there a way copy paste the reminders to the next row?  or to all rows in the document?




  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Matt

    Provided you have the dates columns set up as a date column and the Assigned column too... then at the bottom of the sheet, Open Alerts /Reminders/ choose Assigned to rather than an individual, then the WHEN ie ON or 1 day before etc then choose the column with the key date. 

    NB Only people shared to the sheet will get the reminder, so make sure they are! 




  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Richard is correct! You can set a single sheet level reminder that will set a reminder for all tasks that currently exists and that are added to your sheet in the future. 

  • Adam R
    Adam R
    edited 03/31/17

    I think I see what you are talking about but the wording seems to indicate that it would create the reminders for the sheet as a whole and not based on individual task dates. I am reluctant to create a rule that doesn't work or bombards everyone with every date on my sheet. 


    I will run a test before making live but it would be helpful if the wording was more descriptive to indicate that there will be a sepparate reminder created based on the specifics of each line. The description below leave a wide range of interpritations. 



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