Issue with "Formula To Indicate A Task Is Ready Because Predecessors Are Complete" Solution

So I have tried both the 2 & 6 column version of this solution (see link below), but things are not working as I would expect.

Formula To Indicate A Task Is Ready Because Predecessors Are Complete

The formula is showing rows as "Ready" that should be "Waiting", and I am terribly confused why.


  • Hi @CrystalJ_Medtronic

    The reason you're seeing "Ready" is because your [Pred Count] is the same as your [Pred Done Count] - they're both 0, so the Ready Status is "Ready"

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) = 0, IF([Pred Done Count]@row = [Pred Count]@row, "Ready", "Waiting"), IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), @cell = "Ready") > 0, "Ready", "Waiting"))

    Can I confirm that your [Pred Count] column has this formula:

    =COUNTIFS([Row ID Comma]:[Row ID Comma], AND(NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), FIND(@cell, [Pred Replace FS]@row) > 0))

    and that your Row ID Comma column has a value for every single row?

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