Send Email when Due Date is past

How do I automatically generate an email if our internal due date is exceeded?


  • florian.zbinden7
    florian.zbinden7 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Liz_Snavely

    first of all, you should start by creating a sheet with a "due date" column (date) and an "owner" column (contact list, so there is an email "behind") and a task for example.

    Then, set up a workflow like this :

    that should get you started and then you can build a more complex workflow on that.

    hope this helps,

    best regards


  • Hi @Liz_Snavely

    You can set up alerts based on a Date column in your sheet by using a Date based trigger! Here's more information - Create a time-based automated workflow

    As long as you have a Date column in your sheet that notes the "internal due date", you can set your alert to trigger On, Before, or After that date:



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