Multiple criteria for If (contains) from list

I am creating a training matrix that will place an "x" in my cells if specific criteria (User Role) is met. The criteria differ per topic so I have created a reference form that I used in my formula.

=IF(OR($[User Role]11 = {Role to training matrix Range 1}, $[User Role]11 = {Role to training matrix Range 2}, $[User Role]@row = {Role to training matrix Range 3}, $[User Role]@row = {Role to training matrix Range 4}, $[User Role]@row = {Role to training matrix Range 5}), "X", "")

Is there any way to select the range that has my criteria instead of each one being individually referenced? This ability will help ensure if the criteria changes then I do not need to manually change every formula.

Best Answer

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @CaseyMI,

    Try using this formula,

    =IF(CONTAINS([User Role]@row, {Role to training matrix Range}), "X")

    {Role to training matrix Range} is the entire column "Stock Raw Material Receiving" from the second sheet.

    Hope this helps,



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