Dropdown spilt

could you help me to split dropdown to 1or 2 or 3 or 4 collum with fumular?

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You would use something along the lines of

    =IFERROR(MID("!" + [Work Type]@row + "!", FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + [Work Type]@row + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1, FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + [Work Type]@row + "!", "!", "~", 2)) - (FIND("~", SUBSTITUTE("!" + [Work Type]@row + "!", "!", "~", 1)) + 1)), "")

    The above example will pull the first selection.

    You will also see three bold numbers in the example above that go 1 2 1. To pull the second entry, you would update these to be 2 3 2, the third entry would be 3 4 3, and the fourth entry would be 4 5 4.


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