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Exporting Attachments FROM Smartsheet to BOX

Adam Hutchinson
Adam Hutchinson ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We are using Smartsheet to manage client data including a profile picture.  Client info and attached photo is uploaded via webform to the Smartsheet.  This photo needs to be edited and saved in Box so a) it can become the profile picture in their row, and b) can be available for printing an ID. 

I need a way to automatically transfer an image file attached to a Smartsheet INTO Box. It seems all integrations are the other way around. 

I have tried Zapier, but Zapier does not appear to take an image file, unless you specify the exact file in each Zap. 



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Adam,

    As you've found, there currently isn't a built integration to take attachments added to Smartsheet and save them or transfer them to Box.

    The attachments will need to be manually downloaded to your computer, edited, then saved to Box. After they're saved to Box, you can attach a link to them back to Smartsheet.

    Otherwise, if you have developer resources available, you might consider developing something that will take attachments from Smartsheet and upload them to Box: https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/

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