Move Rows Action Not Working

WerkinGrg22 ✭✭
edited 12/19/23 in Formulas and Functions

I have a workflow that triggers on the 16th day of a month to move all rows to a different grid. There are no conditions whatsoever on the workflow and the destination has identical column names. There are roughly 12,000 rows and 33 columns.

I received an automated error message via email that said:

"One or more of the actions in this workflow has consistently failed after multiple retries."

I have attempted to use the "Run Now" feature. This also fails to work.

I have changed the destination to a blank file and tested the workflow with the "Run Now" feature, which also failed.

Is there a list length issue? EG, is there a limit to how many rows the "Move Rows" action can process or handle?




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