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Update Request

Brett Wallace
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We are using update requests, but when we select multiple lines, how does that person know which project is which.


We have project numbers as our main column, but when I send an update request, with multiple projects, it doesn't show them which project is which. They can click through the three projects, but it doesn't show which project ID they are updating for us.


Does anyone know how to make it so the project ID shows up on the Update Request? The only way I could figure out, is adding the Project ID to the update request, but I do not want anyone changing the project ID during the request.


If anyone has any insight that would be great! Thanks!


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Brett,

    You're correct in that you'll need to add your Project ID column to the update request for people to see it and know what project they're updating.

    You can lock the column to prevent people from making updates to it. Details on locking columns are in the Locking or Unlocking Columns article.

    Note that this will also prevent anyone shared to your sheet with Editor permissions from being able to modify data in the columns as well.

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