Can you call a sheet summary formula inside another sheet summary formula?


I have 6 sheet summary formulas. They are a sum of loads in that year over the 6 years those formulas represent.

What im trying to do is calculate the percent changed year over year but it seems I cant call those formula returns into another sheet summary formula.

Ricky T

Gov Contractor for USSF

Best Answer

  • Purnima Gore_PGPS
    Purnima Gore_PGPS ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @RickyT

    How about pulling those 6 sheet summary fields back into a column into the main sheet. That way you can use those fields in another sheet that you reference and create a sheet summary there?

    If I want to reference a summary field in a main report, I create some columns and use "=" and then click on the summary field which means I can then reference that in another sheet.

    Let me know if that works

    @Purnima Gore_PGPS


  • Purnima Gore_PGPS
    Purnima Gore_PGPS ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @RickyT

    How about pulling those 6 sheet summary fields back into a column into the main sheet. That way you can use those fields in another sheet that you reference and create a sheet summary there?

    If I want to reference a summary field in a main report, I create some columns and use "=" and then click on the summary field which means I can then reference that in another sheet.

    Let me know if that works

    @Purnima Gore_PGPS

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