Need help finishing formula for status

Edward Spencer
Edward Spencer ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/21/23 in Formulas and Functions

I want to Turn the status to Yellow if [Done?] is unchecked and the field [Server must be 100% Cutover to New Box by:] is less than 13 days away from today if not then green.

So this works:

=IF(AND([Done?]@row = 0, [Server must be 100% Cutover to New Box by:]@row - TODAY() < 13), "Yellow", "Green")

BUT, I want to add to the working formula that works above what is below:

if the [Done?] field is unchecked and if Today is greater than [Server must be 100% Cutover to New Box by:] field then return Red. In other words if the date the server cutover must be completed is in the past then Red.

For some reason I just can't make this last part work.

Assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.


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