Free plan...

I am currently on the Business plan. As the ‘Owner’ I intend to create a smartsheet which I want stakeholders to have “commenter” permission level on, so they can write comments. The stakeholders are currently on the free plan - and they are getting a “5 days left” message. My understanding is that after the 5 days expire, their account remains open and they can still read the smartsheet and also continue to make comments (the rules for the free plan are at I’m just double-checking to ensure I’m interpreting things correctly…?


Best Answer

  • Tim C
    Tim C ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    They will still be able to edit comment etc but will be limited to "owning" 2 assets of their own. So the person on the business plan should own the assets, the free users can provide updates, view etc


  • Tim C
    Tim C ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    They will still be able to edit comment etc but will be limited to "owning" 2 assets of their own. So the person on the business plan should own the assets, the free users can provide updates, view etc