Best way to provide access, as unlicensed users or free collaborators?


I hope someone can help me understand whether it is better to give users access to a Smartsheet business account via sharing so they are free collaborators or to set them up as unlicensed users.

The use case is that I am setting up a business account for a client (this is separate from our Smartsheet business account), I will be allocated a license in this new account (via an email address which is not within the client's domain) and will have system / group admin rights. I will be transferring ownership of various workspaces which have been built within my business account to the client's business account whilst we complete the build and set up of the system, in the longer term (6 months plus) I will transfer ownership of all assets and system / group management to the client. The users will be client staff members.

I've previously managed user access to assets within our clients' Smartsheet business accounts by setting up groups and sharing access to workspaces and sheets etc. with members of those groups.

Is it better to add users as unlicensed users to the account? Are there any potential problems with this approach?

Thank you!

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