Why is my dashboard link sending me to a sheet instead of the dashboard?


We have a startup intake sheet in Smartsheet connected to Salesforce to process all of our new business wins. Once a win comes in and I approve for a project plan in control center , a site plan is created and a dashboard link appears on the intake sheet. Up until the other day the dashboard link always took you to the dashboard of that site plan. Recently we started using a new blueprint to create site plans and it has a dashboard also. However, now in the dashboard link field on the intake sheet, the link takes you to a metric sheet in the plan rather than the dashboard. I did not change anything with the intake sheet or the SF connection. I only created a new blue print (which also has a dashboard). I do not see in any setting anywhere where to change this automation to pick up the dashboard again instead of a sheet. The only workaround I can find is to manually change the dashboard link field to the correct hyperlink after it is populated. But I don't want to have to keep manually updating the link for every new project. the old hyperlinks used to automatically populate like: apps.smartsheet/dashboards/awholebunchofletters, now it populates like: apps.smartsheet/sheets/awholebunchofletters .... Please help :)

Best Answer

  • Kelsey Seitter
    Kelsey Seitter ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie1247 ,

    In Control Center, go to Manage Program, select the Blueprint for the project template and then navigate to the second page "Source Template Settings".

    On that screen, as you scroll down, you'll notice a single tag "Launch" in red next to the "Require?" column. That is the asset that will open when clicking the hyperlink for the project.

    Hover over the dashboard you'd like to open on the hyperlink click (should show "Launch" in blue) and click.

    Navigate through the remaining pages of the blueprint all the way until you save. All future projects should now open to the dashboard you selected when clicking the project hyperlink.

    Hope this helps!


  • Kelsey Seitter
    Kelsey Seitter ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie1247 ,

    In Control Center, go to Manage Program, select the Blueprint for the project template and then navigate to the second page "Source Template Settings".

    On that screen, as you scroll down, you'll notice a single tag "Launch" in red next to the "Require?" column. That is the asset that will open when clicking the hyperlink for the project.

    Hover over the dashboard you'd like to open on the hyperlink click (should show "Launch" in blue) and click.

    Navigate through the remaining pages of the blueprint all the way until you save. All future projects should now open to the dashboard you selected when clicking the project hyperlink.

    Hope this helps!

  • Julie1247
    Julie1247 ✭✭✭

    Thanks that did the trick!

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