Formulas and Functions

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Adding rows in existing sheet if multiple selections in a column exist

Hi Smartsheet-Community,

I previously have been searching for a workflow which does the following:

I'd like to achieve within one sheet that as soon as multiple assignees are selected from the respective dropdown list, one or more rows are automatically created below, which copies the content of the above row and splits the multiple assignees so that only one assignee is selected in a row at a time.

For example: If three assignees are assigned to a task (one row), three further rows should be created underneath that specific row. Each of these rows contains the above content, but there is only one assignee in the Assignments column.

Thanks everyone. Every answer is highly appreciated!

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @TobiasKarlsruhe

    Great question and functionality request.

    We have created custom API code to do this type of function for our clients. I don't believe there is a way of achieving this through the normal Smartsheet Interface.

    Feel free to reach out if you'd like us to build you some code to do it.

    Kind regards



  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @TobiasKarlsruhe

    Great question and functionality request.

    We have created custom API code to do this type of function for our clients. I don't believe there is a way of achieving this through the normal Smartsheet Interface.

    Feel free to reach out if you'd like us to build you some code to do it.

    Kind regards


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