Formula on Project Plan



I have five stages on a project plan, parent row

s, with numerous child tasks underneath. I want to have a formula that marks child tasks based on this formula: =IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "ITEM COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "ITEM NOT STARTED", "ITEM IN PROCESS"))

The parent rows also have this formula: =IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "STAGE COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "STAGE NOT STARTED", "STAGE IN PROCESS")), to pull the stage progress.

Is there a way I combine these two formulas into one so I can make the column a formula versus having to drag and drop the formula for each parent and child row?

Best Answer

  • swaldon2
    swaldon2 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/16/24 Answer ✓

    Update: I resolved this....

    =IF([Stage Level]@row = 1, IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "STAGE COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "STAGE NOT STARTED", "STAGE IN PROCESS")), IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "ITEM COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "ITEM NOT STARTED", "ITEM IN PROCESS")))


  • swaldon2
    swaldon2 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/16/24 Answer ✓

    Update: I resolved this....

    =IF([Stage Level]@row = 1, IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "STAGE COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "STAGE NOT STARTED", "STAGE IN PROCESS")), IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "ITEM COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "ITEM NOT STARTED", "ITEM IN PROCESS")))

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