Displaying Dates

Hi, I had a question about a formula to display certain dates

So we have columns for Date of Evaluation(Manually Inputted) and Date of Contact(Automatically date created)

I would like to make 1 column instead of 2 different columns for the below to display different due dates and wanted to see if it was possible.

If the Evaluation Type Column is "PQME" or "PQMER", I would like the Date to display a date 7 days after Date of Evaluation

If the Evaluation Type Column is "PQMES", I would like the Date to display a date 7 days after Date of Contact.

Currently I have this formula, but it is giving me the Unparseable error and not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated

=IF([Evaluation type]@row = "PQME", [Records Due Date for PQME/PQMER]@row = [Date of Evaluation]@row + 7),IF(([Evaluation type]@row = "PQMER", [Records Due Date for PQME/PQMER]@row = [Date of Evaluation]@row + 7))


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Simon OQME

    This is your formula.

    =IF([Evaluation type]@row = "PQME", [Records Due Date for PQME/PQMER]@row = [Date of Evaluation]@row + 7),IF(([Evaluation type]@row = "PQMER", [Records Due Date for PQME/PQMER]@row = [Date of Evaluation]@row + 7))

    You don't need the parts in bold. You put the formula into the cell in Records Due Date for PQME/PQMER and it will put the output into that cell, you don't need to tell it where to put the output.

    You also have an extra opening parenthesis after the second IF.

    Once you get that working, I think you'll be fine to add your third IF. But if not, just reply here.

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/23/24

    Hi @Simon OQME

    Please try this;

    =IF(OR([Evaluation type\]]@row = "PQME", [Evaluation type\]]@row = "PQMER"), [Date of Evaluation]@row + 7, IF([Evaluation type\]]@row = "PQMES", [Date of Contact]@row + 7))
