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Send update request to a 'group'

Andy M
Andy M
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi All, new to smartsheet so apologies if this has already been asked but still finding my feet.

I can see I can send a mail to group from the row but I want to be able to send an update request to a group, if a member of the group updates and sends a comment then I can see that it was updated by Steve@... 

I have tried setting up email groups (outside of smartsheet) but then who ever updates its says its from the group email address and therefore you cant really tell who is sending you the update.

Any pointers would be much appreciated :-)



  • Hi Andy,

    There currently isn't a way to send an update requests to a group, and—as you've found—setting up a group outside of Smartsheet for update requests for this has unexpected results.

    For now, it's best to add email addresses individually or copy and paste them into the "To" field of the Send Update Request window.

    When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right.

This discussion has been closed.