Uploading PDF and STEP files to Smartsheet

We use Autodesk Inventor for machine design and we use Smartsheet as our management program to control BOM's, purchasing and manufacturing. It is easy to export a BOM from Inventor and import it to Smartsheet, but for manufactured parts we also have to add a STEP file (3D export of the actual part) and a PDF file of the associated drawing. We can populate Smartsheet data in one fell swoop but adding the PDF and STEP files is a tedious task dragging and dropping files manually. Not only is this time consuming but it also opens the doors for mistakes.

Does anyone have any method or something we could pursue to somewhat automatically add the files to the Smartsheet entries?



  • Also, is there any way to copy a local system hyperlink (hyperlink to a file, not an internet URL) into a cell in Smartsheet and have it remain a hyperlink rather than just being turned into text?

  • Hi @scottveix

    To answer your second question first, cells can only read copy/pasted hyperlinks if the hyperlink is actually a full URL already typed out. For example, if I copied and pasted: https://community.smartsheet.com

    Then this would appear as a hyperlink in a cell. Otherwise, the cell will display it as plain text, as you've found.

    For your first question regarding attachments, dragging and dropping the files is what I would suggest at this time. There are some third party applications (such as Zapier) that may be able to help you connect, or you could investigate using the Smartsheet API directly, however for files I would personally still use the drag-and-drop method.



  • Thanks for the feedback but not sure I was clear in my second question. It's fairly easy to add a hyperlink to a internet based website URL but what we were looking to do was point to a file on our network. For example put a link to:




    Those just come in as text and not a hyperlink.

  • Hi @scottveix

    Ah thank you for clarifying! You're correct, currently hyperlinks to internal networks are not supported - please see the note in this Help Article: Create a Hyperlink in a Cell

