Export Smartsheet to Excel

I have encountered a problem exporting a large, complex Smartsheet WBS project (1000+ lines) to Excel.

When I export the Smartsheet to Excel, it appears that sections of the WBS that have more than 50 lines within them only export the first 50 lines within the section to Excel and drop the rest of the lines in the section.

Example: I have a WBS with 4 sections (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0). Sections 1.0 and 4.0 have less than 50 lines each and both sections export to Excel 100%. Sections 2.0 and 3.0 have many more than 50 lines in each and on the the first 50 lines of each section export to Excel.

I've tried copying and exporting just section 2.0 and 3.0 separately but with no success.

Is there a capability or function I am not doing, a tip/trick I'm not using to get all lines of each section to export without error?

Any assistance would be most appreciated.


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Encountering issues when exporting large, complex projects from Smartsheet to Excel, especially with Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) that exceed certain row limits within sections, can be challenging. Here are several steps and considerations that might help resolve this issue:

    1. Check Export Limitations

    First, verify if there are any current limitations with Smartsheet's export functionality. Smartsheet periodically updates its platform, and understanding its limitations is crucial. As of my last update, Smartsheet allows exporting large sheets to Excel, but there could be nuances or changes.

    2. Increase Displayed Rows

    Before exporting, ensure that all rows you intend to export are displayed. Smartsheet might paginate or limit the number of rows displayed based on your current view settings.

    • Try expanding all sections and ensuring that no filters are hiding additional rows.
    • If your view is paginated, adjust the settings to display more rows per page if possible.

    3. Split and Export

    Since you've mentioned trying to copy and export sections 2.0 and 3.0 separately without success, consider further splitting these sections if they are particularly large. Although not ideal, exporting smaller chunks can sometimes bypass limitations.

    4. Use the Smartsheet API

    For users with technical resources, the Smartsheet API provides a more flexible way to export data. Using the API, you could programmatically retrieve all rows from a sheet and then generate an Excel file using your preferred programming language. This approach bypasses the UI limitations but requires programming knowledge.

    5. Contact Smartsheet Support

    If the issue persists, it might be a specific limitation or a bug within Smartsheet. Contacting Smartsheet support can provide direct assistance and potentially offer a solution or workaround specific to your situation. They might also provide insights into any recent changes or limitations with the export functionality.

    6. Review Data Structure

    Review your WBS structure to ensure it's optimized for export. Complex hierarchies might introduce challenges during export. Consider simplifying the structure if possible, without losing critical information.

    7. Third-party Tools

    Consider using third-party tools that integrate with Smartsheet and enhance its functionality, including advanced exporting features. Tools like Zapier or custom scripts might offer alternative ways to export your data into Excel.

    Troubleshooting Steps

    • Refresh and Clear Cache: Sometimes, browser cache or Smartsheet application cache can cause unexpected behavior. Try clearing your cache or using a different browser to see if the issue persists.
    • Update Application: Ensure your Smartsheet and Excel applications are up to date, as updates may include fixes for such issues.

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