Is there a way to make part of a workspace public?

Alicia D
Alicia D ✭✭✭✭✭

I am not sure if this is possible, but want to see if it is or isn't! I have 8 team members. They each have their own workspace, where they add new sheets to act as a new project. These sheets/ projects are private to themselves, however, on the team dashboard, we are able to see the title of everyones sheets, status of the project, and so on. Only my boss and I are able to click into the sheets and have full access to the projects. My boss just let me know that he would like for there to be a way where everyone on the team can click into everyones projects. NOTE* within everyones workspaces, there is a personal project section, and a basic project section. The projects in the "project section" are what he wants to be visible to the team, not the personal projects. Is there a way to do this? To just make part of a workspace public? Is there maybe a way to have those sheets automatically populate a different folder or workspace that is completely public to the team? Any input would be appreciated!
