Chart Widget help

Hello! I am trying to build a dashboard with a chart widget that displays only the Total Sum of my summary report. Essentially there are 4 sheets this summary report is pulling from. I am only looking to display a chart of the summed monthly totals and not have the chart bars divided out by Sheet. I appreciate any insight into getting the widget to display the totals; this is my first dashboard. I would also like the vertical axis to display only whole numbers, no decimals. Thank you!

My Summary Report:

What I am getting (with each sheet showing as a separate bar):

What I want (with only a sum total displaying as a single bar):

Best Answers

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Eenmeier

    For Charts to pull from a Report, both Grouping and Summary need to be applied. In your case, since you only need the one Summary, you'll need to add a field across your sheets with the same value so you can create a "group" with a constant value that the Report can use.

    You'll end up with a double header row in the Report - one as an overall total, and one as the Grouped total with the Summary that the chart can use. Let me know if this works for you and makes sense! Here's more information: New! Create a chart from reports with grouping and summary



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Eenmeier

    I just saw you responded before I posted above, apologies for missing this!

    How is your Chart format set up? Here is what my Grouped Report looks like:

    Here is how my Chart settings are configured (on the right):

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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Eenmeier

    For Charts to pull from a Report, both Grouping and Summary need to be applied. In your case, since you only need the one Summary, you'll need to add a field across your sheets with the same value so you can create a "group" with a constant value that the Report can use.

    You'll end up with a double header row in the Report - one as an overall total, and one as the Grouped total with the Summary that the chart can use. Let me know if this works for you and makes sense! Here's more information: New! Create a chart from reports with grouping and summary



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  • Eenmeier
    Eenmeier ✭✭
    edited 02/07/24

    Hi @Genevieve P. Thank you for the response! :)

  • Hi again @Genevieve P. I did some more digging through threads using the link you sent and found a similar one from 2021 where you helped with this same thing. Following your step by step with that user I was able to create the helper and the summary field. I did go ahead and use this concept to divide out by 2 group criteria. The chart looks great BUT I am lost on how to label the Series legend. Like really lost lol. I want to label the Blue dot "Full Solution" and the Red dot "Standalone".

  • Hi @Eenmeier

    Instead of creating a column in the grid of your sheet, since you're using a Summary Report you would just need to create a single Summary Field in each of your sheets as the "common data point".

    For example, my helper field is called "Summary":

    I've added that same Field to each of my sheets and checked the star. It appears as a field to select in my Report:

    Now, because the same value appears in each of the sheets, I can Group by that value as well.

    While it looks redundant, Charts cannot read the "Total" row in a Report. They need a top-level grouping to see data (the one my arrow is pointing to). In your case, the grouping needs to surface the same numbers as the total, which is why we added something to Group by.

    Let me know if this now makes sense or if I can help explain further!



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Eenmeier

    I just saw you responded before I posted above, apologies for missing this!

    How is your Chart format set up? Here is what my Grouped Report looks like:

    Here is how my Chart settings are configured (on the right):

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Thank you @Genevieve P. your reply was spot on.