IF formula is not working as expected

Xochitl C.
Xochitl C. ✭✭✭✭

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong with this formula, but I can't figure out :(

Any help is much appreciated!!

I'm trying to add a text to the column "Dispute", so if the # of days in the "Days from Audit" column is equal or higher to 10 text will be "Dispute not applicable" or if the # of days in the "Days from Audit" column is equal or lower than 9 the text will be "Proceed with Dispute Form"

This is the formula I have:

=IF([Days from Audit]@row < "9", "Proceed with Dispute form", IF([Days from Audit]@row >= "10", "Dispute not applicable"))


Best Answer

  • Frank S.
    Frank S. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer βœ“

    Greetings @Xochitl C. ,

    Based on what I can see, you do not need the parenthesize around the numbers in your if statement.

    Please try the following formula and see if this works correctly for you:

    =IF([Days from Audit]@row < 9, "Proceed with dispute form", IF([Days from Audit]@row >= 10, "Dispute not applicable", ""))

    I hope this helps and have a great day.

    Frank Smith, PMP

    Assistant Director | IT Special Projects Mgr.

    Oregon Parks & Recreation Department

    If my response helps, please mark it as an accepted answer. 😎


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