Formulas and Functions

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Formulaic Help / Cross-Sheet References

Bit of a complex one:

Let's say I have a sheet named "Additions To Scanning Workflow" (with a select number of users) that includes 13 columns of data, one column ("Ready for Digitization Dept.") that's a checkbox field.

I want the select number of users to be able to fill out this sheet and when the "Ready for Digitization Dept." checkbox is "checked", I want that whole row to be moved to a whole different sheet called "Digitization's Scanning Workflow" (and this new sheet has a whole different set of users). This new sheet has the exact same 13 columns of data, but also has an additional checkbox field (called "Ready For Platform Dept.").

Can this happen?

Then, I want the same thing. Once the "Digitization's Scanning Workflow" sheet has its "Ready For Platform Dept." checkbox is checked, it leaves the "Digitization's Scanning Workflow" sheet and goes to the "Platform's Scanning Workflow" sheet (and this new sheet has a whole different set of users). This new sheet has the exact same 14 columns of data as the "Digitization's Scanning Workflow" sheet, but also has an additional checkbox field (called "Platform Is Complete").

Then, I want the same thing. Once the "Platform's Scanning Workflow" sheet has its "Platform Is Complete." checkbox is checked, it leaves the "Platform's Scanning Workflow" sheet and goes to the "Scanning Workflow Complete" sheet (and this new sheet has a whole different set of users). This new sheet has the exact same 15 columns of data as the "Platform's Scanning Workflow" sheet.

I know all of this has to be possible within SmartSheet, but I just need a little guidance.

Please and thank you.



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