Single View?

I need to create a view that can filter portfolios per manager. For example, Manager A manages Products A, Manager B manages Products B, etc. How do I create a view based on the specific filter (from the source sheet) to the specific manager(s)? Do I need to create multiple views based on these parameters or is there a way to create one view?


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Sandra Vulis Petrosyan

    If you are creating a filter for when the specific manager views the data you can create a single filter that will work for all the portfolio managers. If you are trying to create filters for the specific manager that others will use to look at say, Manager's A portfolio you will need many filters.

    To create a filter based on the current user, select a Contact field that will have all the Portfolio Managers in it. Choose the action 'Is One Of' and in the Values, near the top, is the choice of 'Current User'. This means the current user will only see rows with their name in the chosen contact field. If someone's name isn't in the list they will only see a blank sheet. In the Share window, you can select a filter to use as a default view.- this is all or nothing, it is not set per user.

    Will the Current User option work for you?


  • Hi @Kelly Moore Thank you for the reply. I think I got it based on your recommendation.

    I created a "Marketing Review" filter in the source sheet with all the different portfolio managers and added their contact in a Contact Field. Then, I went into Dynamic View and did the same: created seperate filters based on specific manager. Now, my problem is that each portfolio has different product(s). Is there a way to remove any blank columns that don't pertain to that specific manager?

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Sandra Vulis Petrosyan

    I'm not quite sure what I think you're describing and what I described are the same thing. Using a Current User filter would have been only one filter total.

    If you wanted to exclude blank products then you should be able to add the criteria to your filter? Perhaps I'm not understanding your scenario correctly.
