Automatically import data from one sheet to another?


I'm finding a few different answers but not sure which one pertains to my situation exactly. I have created a smartsheet with a form that is an application for students to apply to be a part of a team. I then have a second smartsheet where their applications will be scored. Is there a way to send certain data (not all) from the first sheet (application) automatically to the second sheet (scoring) as it comes in?

I know I can link the cells, but to my knowledge, I would have to go in and link each individual column and it wouldn't be automatic. I'd have to update manually every so often. I've also read about formulas but none of them seem to apply to my exact situation.

Is this possible or no? If so, how, please?

Best Answer

  • RickyT
    RickyT ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can make an automation to move rows from one sheet to another, Unfortunately it will copy over the other information but you can hide those columns on your second sheet.

    1) Automation is located in top left corner

    2) Create flow from template

    3) Choose " Move a row to another sheet when specified criteria are met" template.

    4) Follow steps to choose criteria and sheet destination.

    5) That should be it, test automation once.

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF


  • RickyT
    RickyT ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can make an automation to move rows from one sheet to another, Unfortunately it will copy over the other information but you can hide those columns on your second sheet.

    1) Automation is located in top left corner

    2) Create flow from template

    3) Choose " Move a row to another sheet when specified criteria are met" template.

    4) Follow steps to choose criteria and sheet destination.

    5) That should be it, test automation once.

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF

  • JPavlasek
    JPavlasek ✭✭✭

    i can definitely make that work! Thank you!

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