Is there a way to attach an uploaded photo(s) to a specific column instead of the whole row?

I'm building a form that requires 13 different fields to have different photos attached to them, but I am unable to find a way to attach photo(s) to a specific column/field instead of the whole row/submission. Please let me know if this is even possible.


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    When you attach an image it is attached to the row, but you can copy and paste an image into a cell. It does mean the image is visible in the cell (so might make your row taller than you'd like). These images are also not treated as attachments so can't be used in automations, and won't appear in the list of attachments. You also can't paste by right clicking (the paste option is grayed out) but you can paste using ctrl+V.

  • What if I need the submitted to assign the picture to a column from a mobile phone with access to the form only and not the sheet?

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    I actually find it easier to add photos on a mobile. They can just click into the field on the mobile app form, take the photo or open their photos, and save. The photo will appear in the cell on the sheet.

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    I hope that answered your question krances_0409. If not, let me know.

  • KerryD
    KerryD ✭✭

    Hi. I have downloaded the app on the mobile but struggling to see from the form where you can add a photo without using the upload file functionality. The Upload functionality puts the image in the attachments which means it does not go into a cell and cannot be used to generate a document. Is there another way to do as you are showing in your image above please @KPH . Thanking you in advance

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    edited 02/23/24

    To take a photo and add it to a cell without using file upload

    Open the sheet in mobile view.

    Tap on the cell that you want the photo to appear in.

    Tap on the camera icon. Shown here with red circle.

    Take photo.


    The photo will appear within the cell as in the image in the previous comment.

    If you have already taken the photo and have it on your camera roll, use the image icon instead. Shown here with blue circle.

    Choose photo library (or whatever it is called on android) and select your photo.

    Again, it will appear within the cell.

    The image options only appear on the mobile sheet view not via the form link. If you like this functionality but do not want to share your sheet, could you create a separate sheet to collect new rows and an automation to immediately move those rows to your main (unshared) sheet as they are added?

  • hook
    edited 08/13/24

    Thank you very much. I'm going to try it.

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    If you have any problems, just reach out here.

  • Lee Joramo
    Lee Joramo ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @KPH thanks for this tip. I had talked to our Smartsheet Reps and staff at their Engage conference in the past and never had this suggested to me.

    Of course, what I have specifically asked for is the ability to do this not via the "Add Row" function, but via a "Form". I have repeatedly requested over years. While this is NOT a full solution to all my use cases, it will solve some of them.

    I would link to the open Feature Request for adding this to forms, unfortunately the Smartsheet Community Forums Search is not working at the moment and external search engines aren't finding it.

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to upload photos using a computer instead of a phone or iPad?

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    edited 12/19/24

    Yes. You can copy and paste an image into a cell. You can't paste by right clicking (the paste option is grayed out) but you can paste using ctrl+V.

    The image will be visible in the cell (see image at the top of this thread so). Photos added to cells are not treated as attachments so can't be used in automations, and won't appear in the list of attachments.