Schedule Health Balls Change Based on End Date and Status


I'm looking to have the schedule health balls change color based on the "Status" and "End Date" columns.

Green = "Complete" OR "In Progress" with more than 2 days to "End Date"

Yellow = "In Progress" with 0-2 days to "End Date" OR "On Hold"

Red = Not "Complete" after the "End Date"

Thank you!


  • Emory
    Emory ✭✭✭✭

    Hello, I believe you can attain this using the IF, AND/OR functions. Below is a test sheet I made with the formula provided. I think it works as you intended.

    =IF(AND(Status@row <> "Complete", [End Date]@row < TODAY()), "Red", IF(AND(Status@row = "In Progress", [End Date]@row - TODAY() >= 0, [End Date]@row - TODAY() <= 2), "Yellow", IF(OR(AND(Status@row = "Complete", [End Date]@row - TODAY() > 2), AND(Status@row = "In Progress", [End Date]@row - TODAY() > 2), AND(Status@row = "In Progress", [End Date]@row - TODAY() >= 0, [End Date]@row - TODAY() <= 2)), "Green", "")))

    Be sure the column names are correct or update them as needed.

    Also, this formula is an exact match to the status column. Update the "In Process"/"Complete" if necessary.

    Also, ensure you have the correct column type: See screenshot below.

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