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Help counting items in a column in another sheet if between defined date ranges

edited 02/15/24 in Formulas and Functions

Collecting the count of an item column in another sheet if the date range is between two dates.

I am using this formula and it works well, but a bit labor when I have 48 that have different source and date ranges. Plus thinking of 2025, it will be a pain to redo them when the next year rolls around vs just changing the date range cells.

=COUNTIF({Source Table Source Column1}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 1, 1), @cell <= DATE(2024, 1, 31)))

=COUNTIF({Source Table Source Column1}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 2, 1), @cell <= DATE(2024, 2, 29)))


=COUNTIF({Source Table Source Column2}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 1, 1), @cell <= DATE(2024, 1, 31)))

=COUNTIF({Source Table Source Column2}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 2, 1), @cell <= DATE(2024, 2, 29)))


To overcome this issue so I only need to update the start date (2024-01-01) and end date (2024-01-31) etc. I added a columns to this working sheet (date format) where the formulas in the VALUE column.

I thought this work, but invaliddatatype

=COUNTIF({NP SUS 2024 Sheet NPSUS Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE([Range Start]2, @cell <= DATE([Range End]2))))

and this produces unparseable

=COUNTIFS({NP SUS 2024 Sheet NPSUS Paid Date}, and >= DATE([Range Start]2, <= DATE([Range End]2)

Thanks in advance for help with this solution.



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