Formulas and Functions

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Contacts Formula?

I have a sheet with 12K+ total tasks grouped in identical sequences of 15. I need to globally assign specific tasks in each group to specific contacts. I am aware through research that formulas cannot be used on contact columns. Is there a workaround anyone has discovered?

Thanks in advance.



  • Community Champion

    Contacts Formula?

    you should be able to nest if statements in the contact field assuming the contact is an email address

    =IFERROR(IF([field]@row = "Criteria1", "", IF([field]@row = "Criteria2", "")), "")


    Jacob Stey

  • ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Jacob, however, the column is of Contact List type, which does not appear to allow formulas. It is not a text type column, which would permit this approach.

    Thanks again.

  • Community Champion

    @bkw1962 I may be missing something here, but I was able to achieve this result while using a formula in a contact list column:

    Here is the formula:

    =IF([Primary Column]@row = "Task1", "", 
    IF([Primary Column]@row = "Task2", "", 
    IF([Primary Column]@row = "Task3", "")))

    Jacob Stey

  • ✭✭✭

    Is your Contact Column of type "text/number" or "Contact List"?

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