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Published calendar that stays aligned with Smartsheet AND shows as "busy"


Is there a way to have a calendar that I keep updated in Smartsheet that can be added to the Outlook calendars and stays updated with SS that will also show as "busy" on the team's Outlook calendar?

We have a team calendar in Smartsheet that I want to share so my team can add to their outlook calendar.

However, when we go into Outlook Calendar> Add>From Internet> paste the subscribe link from the Smartsheet calendar view, it shows up as a separate calendar that we can overlay or view. It does not show us as busy. (there's also an odd issue of it only going from 2/21 to 4/1 which an early post alluded to, but the unpublish, delete, republish, readd tip didn't work for me, but I have a ticket in for that)

I've tried to use the Smartsheet calendar view "Add to My Calendar" link that downloads the file, but that doesn't stay updated with my SS calendar. However, I can go into each appt, accept as busy, which is also a bit of a pain, and then it becomes outdated if SS updates.

I've tried looking for Outlook rules to automatically accept as busy, but since it's not an actual email that's coming in, I don't see how to make that happen.

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    Hi there -it actually works well for everyone else -they open the event and click accept to add to their calednar. It's just mine as the creator of the sheet that has to copy.


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