Is there a way to add multiple email address when you choose "send a copy of my submission"

We'd like to have form submissions to be shared with more than 1 person (submitter and their admin for example). How can we ensure a duplicate of what the submitter receives when they mark "Send a copy of my submission" is sent to another email address?


  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @EBA You can do this through an automation. Use a when rows are added workflow.

  • himm but this is not going to be the same person to receive a copy as there are multiple people submitting requests and they'd need different people to receive a copy. Also, i wouldn't want them to access the row data and access to all the submission in the sheet but only the submitted form (just like what submitter receives). So i don't think automation is the answer i'm looking unless you mean something different by automation.

  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @EBA I understand your request, but the automation is the only real option I see. You can write the automation to be a message only with data you want to be sent, and you can use filters to determine who to send the data to.

    Not sure of your exact situation, but if the others that need a copy of the submission are department heads, possibly you could have the submitter choose an option like requestors department, that could be used as a filter option to determine the audience that needs to be copied? Below is a screenshot from automation where you can create a custom email message and include data from columns without including a link to the sheet. Once you have it written once, copying the workflow to create additional filter decisions to update the names of the receivers would be easy.

  • thanks! the additional people are not department heads and the requester submits requests for multiple things some of which may be relavant to this additional people. I'll try playing with automation but it would be great if SmartSheet actually had this as an offering instead of automation (a checkbox asking if any additional email to receive a copy of the submission). Is this platform monitored by SS folks and they'd consider this improvement to the platform?

  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @EBA Another way you could go about this is to create a multi select contacts column in the form and allow the submitter to select the additional people to be copied and then use that in an automation.