Email Notification on a date cell

Apologies if this has been previously discussed or in support already.

Is there a way to get smartsheet to send an email notification in say 1 month based on the date entered in the cell?

i.e. Went to a building site on the below date... smartsheet automatically sends me an email reminder in 1 month from this date to alert me to check the site again.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Seb

    Yes, you can have date based triggers. Below is a screenshot of an example. Note the trigger type has been changed to DATE IS REACHED. Use the highlighted dropdown to select 30days AFTER. You will need to select your specific Date Field column.

    You may want a condition of when not to notify someone if the task is completed. You may have some criteria that indicates completion.

    You will choose the Action 'ALERT SOMEONE'

    Will this work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Seb

    Yes, you can have date based triggers. Below is a screenshot of an example. Note the trigger type has been changed to DATE IS REACHED. Use the highlighted dropdown to select 30days AFTER. You will need to select your specific Date Field column.

    You may want a condition of when not to notify someone if the task is completed. You may have some criteria that indicates completion.

    You will choose the Action 'ALERT SOMEONE'

    Will this work for you?


  • Many thanks Kelly! I have done the following and will test it out. Really appreciate your quick and detailed response!