Duplicated Form

I created a sign-up sheet in forms and then duplicated that form. It is a signup sheet for two different classes with two different titles and had two different links. When i open the form all the results are on one form 1. I have no way of knowing who signed up for class 1 and who signed up for class 2.


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion


    A smartsheet form is a UI layer that populates a sheet. You can have multiple forms populating the same sheet. So, if you create a sheet, then create a form, then duplicate the form, your two forms will populate the same sheet. It sounds like this is what you are doing.

    If you want to know which form each row comes from, you can add a hidden field to your form with a value that identifies the form (for example, the class name). This would then appear on each row in your sheet.

    If you prefer to keep everything separate, you can copy the sheet to create two sheets, each with their own forms.

    I hope this helps

  • Once someone has entered information using the original links, is it possible to see which link was used? Or will i have to recreate?

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    I am not aware of a way to capture the row origin after it has been added. You might be able to do something with the created time if you know different forms were used at different times.

    You can add the hidden field to the existing forms without recreating them. Just use the edit option.